Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Anti-Aging Trick

I just read an article about the best anti-aging trick that backs up my coaching on overall health. The experts say that the closest you can get to the Fountain of Youth is ... drum roll please... start eating less!... cymbal crash.

Restricting your calories can add up to 5 years on your life. Even the scientists who are cautious about anti-aging hype say it works. Eating less cuts the risks for some diseases and by allowing all body cells to hang in there longer.

"There is plenty of evidence that calorie restriction can reduce your risks for many common diseases including cancer, diabetes and heart disease," says Saint Louis University researcher Edward Weiss. "And you may live to be substaintially older."

At the University of Florida's Institute on Aging a study showed that eating just 8% less and exercising a little more over a lifespan can reduce or even reverse aging-related cell and organ damage.

Scientist still do not know why this works. They theorize that it lowers the metabolic rate and causes the body to generate fewer damaging "free radicals". One theory is that it decreases a thyroid hormone which then slows metabolism and tissue aging.

So how much less are they talking about here? The experts say that the general rule of thumb is to start eating about 15% less starting at age 25. But this is based on a typical healthy adult diet of about 2,000 calories. Thast means that this really applies to less than 1/3 of the population.

So what about everyone else? It is logical to state that this relates to all people no matter what thier shape or current health is currently. Start slowly by cutting 300 to 500 calories out of your diet today. Skipping desert or substituting a turkey sandwich (without nayonnaise or any special dressings) for that fast food burger will cut your calorie intake by at least 300 to 500 calories. A nutritional diet and exercise are important to any weight management program. After a few weeks look for ways to cut out another 300 to 500 calories. If you continue to do this along with an exercise program, you will lose weight and gain years on your life.

Eating fewer calories also reduces age-related chronic diseases such as cancers, heart disease, and stroke. That's important because it suggests ways to not just make us live longer, but allow us to age more gracefully, healthwise. The best way to implement all of this is to get a good personal trainer.