Monday, August 27, 2007

Diets and Obesity

Welcome to my blog! I hope you were attracted to this blog because you are interested in living a healthy lifestyle.

This site will analyze and report current trends in healthy living. We will track the progress of some of my clients. I will discuss the state of our populations health and hopefully attract some feed back and thoughts from others. I will also answer questions anyone has on living a healthy lifestyle.

The first topic I want to tackle is the title of this post: Diets and Obesity.

Do you realize that there are currently hundreds of different diet plans, books, videos and tapes on the market today? Some are similar but others are on opposite ends of the eating scale. For instance, there are diets that have you cut out carbohydrates but eat high protein and moderate fat. Then there are the low fat, high carbohydrate diets. The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry!

Now comes the tough question. If we have so many choices for diets and they all claim to be effective, then how come the obesity rate is the highest it has ever been in history? If billions of dollars are spent on diets then the opposite should be true.

This is my observation on this problem (yes, it is a problem for everyone). Dieting is complicated and is hard. They rely on you depriving you of needed calories by drastically cutting them. They also only concentrate on one or two aspects of the over weight and obesity problem. Everyone sees it as an eating problem or an activity problem. Diet "gurus" concentrate on cutting calories and fitness "gurus" concentrate on increasing activity. Some will do both but it is still not enough.

My formula has five factors. Those factors are nutrition, supplementation, resistance training, cardiovascular training, and personal assistance. Using all five factors makes dieting obsolete because this is a lifestyle change. What happens after someone reaches thier goal in a diet? Most will gain back the weight they lost plus gain additional weight on top of that! My formula is not something that is done until you reach your goal. It is done for your entire life. The best part about it is that it becomes second nature.

I have a twelve week program that I take clients through and teach them how to use the five factors. They change their bad habits for good habits. What I am talking about here is a lifestyle change. "Diet" no longer becomes a meaningful word for them. They lose fat (note that I don't say weight) and feel better, happier, more alive.

I am interested in what others may think of what I have said here so please leave your comments. This is just the beginning of a source of information for anyone trying to live healthier.


Mick said...

Well said. There was a great show on PBS about "Fat". There are so many reasons that play into obesity besides stuffing your face with superfluous calories.
Unfortunately, genetics play a huge part; like the color of your eyes so do your thighs. And us women know this better than anybody.
Best of Luck.

Coach B said...

Mick & James,

Thank you for your comment. Genetics do play a part but it doesn't mean we have to live with it. According to an article by the CDC called "Obesity and Genetics: What We Know, What We Don't Know and What It Means", some people have a family history of obesity but it can be controlled with preventative measures.

In another article by the CDC called "Obesity and Genetics: How Do Genes Affect Obesity", genes do not always predict future health. Along with certain genes, behavior also causes obesity.

In other words, everyone reacts differently to different diets and exercise. But people tend to give up after the first or second failure. Or they expect what worked for Susie to work for them. Proper weight management is a trial and error process for each individual.

The last article I metioned goes on to state "In some cases multiple genes may increase one’s susceptibility for obesity and require outside factors; such as abundant food supply or little physical activity."

This proves my point that all five factors need to be present for proper lifestyle changes. Only this way can people live healthier lives.

blazingfire said...


I walked into your blog just by chance and I am happy that I did.

I am an Indian guy, obese and Overwieght? Yes, I am.

I have this small problem of over eating that led me to these 180 Pounds.

But i liked your thinking and approach to situation. I liked it, when you said, I plan to age slow. Well. I too like to do the same. I am 26 and often I get into a schedule of excercise. For first few weeks that might effect but then it has no effect at me, what so ever, I try to increase the workout time, but same story. And then I loose interest. And I stop.

Advise..... my case

Coach B said...


It is hard to give exact advice without knowing you as a person. This is why a good personal trainer should be consulted. But that is part of the problem. There are a lot of personal trainers but only some of them are good.

First thing I would advise you to do is look at what you are eating and when. Try to be more aware. If there is an emotional time that you eat than the strategy would be to try and have healthy snacks around during those times.

If it is just plain old over eating at meals then try this. Eat a healthy snack like fruits about an hour before your meal. Then just before you start to eat drink a glass or two of water. This should make you feel a little more full.

Also, drink water thoughout the day. Eliminate any soda or juices. This will drastically cut down on your calorie intake which will help you maintain your weight better.

Based on your comment, the best thing I can advise you to do is get a buddy who is or wants to be health concious. Doing it together will help you stay on track.

I hope this helps. Check back in with us and let us know how it worked out for you.