Monday, October 1, 2007

No More Excuses!

It is amazing the number of excuses that people can come up with when it comes to exercise and proper nutrition. Along these same lines, there are many excuses on why they are overweight or not very healthy. I have heard many people that are over overweight say that they are healthy or they are satisfied with the way they look. When I hear this I know they are lying. The worse part is that they are lying to themselves. Until they admit that they need to do something then they will not change. The sad part is that they will live a shorter and lower quality life then if they were to do something.

The number one excuse I hear all the time is that they do not have time. We all live busy lives. Modern conveniences have allowed us to do more. Here is a question I would like all people who use this excuse to think about. Don't you always find time to do things that are consider most valuable to you? Do you find time to watch sports or a favorite TV show? How about finding time to go out to eat, to the movies, to a play, to a party or to your children's events? Isn't your health just as important or even more important than most of these?

Work out facilities are now more accessible and convenient then ever before. Many people are trying to work out but stop after a short period of time. Find a gym that offers you support. Look for a staff that is friendly and out going. There are gyms out there that support their members and encourage the members to get to know each other. This way members support each other. Stop making excuses and find the right gym.

Express Train Fitness for Men offers this type of atmosphere for its members. We provide an efficient work out that can fit into any schedule. The 30 minute circuit offers both a cardio and strength workout. The staff is very friendly and will give advice on exercise progression and proper eating habits. There is also an additional in depth weight management program. New friendships have been developed in our facility because of the relaxed, casual atmosphere.

No more excuses! A program that can fit into any schedule, exercise and nutrition guidance, freindly staff and members, and a non-intimidating environment. What more can you ask for?

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