Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Coaching for a Healthier, Happier Life

I have a lot of followers of my blog according to the statistic reports but I don't get too many comments. That is not a bad thing. I am hoping that people are getting some good information that has helped them. A few have commented that they are using some of my tips which is definetly good.

There is a poll on my blog that I would like everyone to consider taking. It is very simple. Would you like to receive a monthly newsletter to coach you to a healthy lifestyle?

My idea is to have an exercise routine that you would perform 3 to 5 times a week for the entire month. There would be progression tips so you can vary the intensity. My routines that I have developed and use can be done anywhere. All you need is a 6 foot by 6 foot area (a little more if you are taller). It can be done in your bedroom, livingroom, hotel room or even cruise boat cabin! (I am going to try and get some sailors to try out the program. If they can successfully use the program in a submarine with their busy schedules then this would work for anyone - stay tuned)

The newsletter would also have a healthy, easy to prepare meal. No tofu or turkey burgers! This would be everyday meals that can be prepared easily. I do not believe in diets. I have never dieted and I never will, nor will I advocate to a client to diet.

There will be other tidbits of information such as new health studies, supplements and other items in health news. It will be written for the every day average Joe and Jane. No fancy medical jargon or show-off fitness terms. Just plain english.

In general, I would like to provide coaching tips through a monthly newsletter to help out as many people as possible. If I can make even a small difference in a lot of lives, wouldn't that be a good thing?

Take the poll and leave me a message on this post telling me what you think. Also, sign up to be a follower of this blog. That is another new item I have added.

Till next time, be happy, live healthy.


M,R,J1,J2 said...

I know you don't believe in dieting, the way you pig out all the time :-)

Mick said...

We'll be serving a Schweinshaxn' and Sauerkraut and Beer. Is that healthy? hee hee.

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...


Your wife sent me over...only kidding!

This is a great blog...I love all of the tips and that workout that can be don anywhere...now your talking my language!!

I would definitely subscribe...
