Monday, October 27, 2008

20 Million Under the Age of Five are Obese

Here is some more information backing up some of my last blog entry. Another study finds that eating fast will contribute to someone becoming over-weight.

"People who eat quickly until full are three times more likely to be overweight, a problem exacerbated by the availability of fast food and the decline of orderly dining habits, Japanese researchers said on Wednesday. The findings, published in the British Medical Journal, highlight how eating styles, and not just what or how much is eaten, can contribute to an obesity epidemic fueled by the spread of Western-style affluence in many parts of the world."

Around 400 million people are obese according to the World Health Organization (WHO). What is really disturbing is that 20 million of them are under the age of five. Being obese raises the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart problems. One way adults can help children not become over-weight is to encourage them to eat slowly and provide a calm atmosphere during their meals.

The child obesity problem is a very said fact. Children should be out running around having fun. When I went to school I can only remember two kids in my class that were considered over-weight, one was probably obese. Now it is normal to have a class full of over-weight kids.

My exercise program, along with monthly coaching tips, can be imnplemented with children. None of the movements are complicated and there is no equipment needed. It combines cardio with strength training using body weight. This program is not for body builders. They need a special program. It is for everyone else who is looking to live a better, healthier life.

Stay tuned for more information on becoming part of this monthly coaching session. If you are over-weight or looking to loose a few pounds, I guarantee you will loose weight with this program. It can be a family event on a daily basis for 10 to 20 minutes. You will feel better after the first month and will want to keep going.


Anonymous said...

Those stats are so sad.

Mick said...

Fat kids are just generally disturbing.

Worst part, the industry caters to them with XXXXL size clothing and lots and lots of processed foods.
And somehow, this has become acceptable... why?

Anonymous said...

Children should exercise more. I wrote a post about it here.
@mick: I think it has become acceptable, because the change has been gradual. More and more children are getting overweight, so then it becomes the standard and other people look at their children as not so fat. And most of the industry just cares about making money.