Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rising Risk for Obese Kids

Ultrasound imaging reveals accelerated evidence of heart disease in obese children. What this means is that they have middle-aged arteries! A glimpse inside the neck arteries of obese children and teens reveals cardivascular systems more like 45 year olds. This has been seen in children as young as 10 years old!

Obese children and teens, especially those with abnormal cholesterol levels, should focus on diet and exercise to prevent early aging of their arteries, new research suggests.

A study at the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine says that more than half of the 70 youngsters ages 10 to 18 enrolled in the Children’s Mercy Hospital study had a “vascular age” about 30 years older than their actual age, putting them at risk for early heart attacks, stroke — and death. That finding might also hold true for many more young people in the United States, where more than a quarter of kids ages 2 to 19 are considered obese.

Changing diet and increasing exercise can slow and perhaps stop deterioration. This new research is a reminder to take steps to prevent obesity and high cholesterol before children’s arteries grow older than their years.

This is a sad state. Parents who keep feeding their children a poor diet and not get them to exercise are only hurting them. They are actually putting them in danger of shortening their lives. But I believe the problem is with the whole family. Typically, fat parents will raise fat kids. This may be a bold statement and hard for people to hear but it holds a lot of truth. If you don't believe me, spend some time at one of the Walt Disney parks and just observe the people.

One way to reverse this is to live a healthy lifestyle as a family. Eat balanced meals and better snacks. Does that mean a child has to forgo the cake at a birthday party? No it doesn't. If you eat well all week, ONE piece of cake will not hurt. Do some physical activity as a family.

My monthly coaching newsletter is a great place to start. There are tips on how to change to a healthier lifestyle so that it becomes second nature. There are great tasting, easy to make recipes that the family can enjoy. The exercises can be done by anyone at any age and in any physical condition. Make it a family affair.

My newsletter will be out soon. Follow this blog for future news. Until then, celebrate life; be good to yourself.

1 comment:

Mia -n- Ken said...

Great Blog!Looking forward to seeing the newsletter. :) -Sammia