Monday, November 24, 2008

Take Me Off Your Email List

Everyone who has followed my blog knows that I am creating a newsletter to help anyone who wants help in living a better lifestyle. Statistics have shown that obesity is on the rise. There are also studies showing that weight problems rise even more during economic tough times. This is due to the fact that everyone looks for "cheap" meals which almost always happen to be very high in calories, fat, sugar and carbohydrates.

Now I am going to stray from what this blog is about. I get these "chain emails" from friends and family and their friends and family and so on. They range from polictial to religious to items about animals, kids, global warming, the war, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I don't mind much. I'll glance through them and then delete. I usually do not pass them on though unless I think there is some real value to someone.

This is where I have a problem. I used these emails to obtain a list of people to start sending out early notices and information about my upcoming newletter. They are the same people who are on every list. And we don't get just one. So what I am getting at is these people don't mind getting these mindless, and sometimes highly controversial, eamils. They don't ask to be removed from the email list because they keep getting them. So why do they want to be off mine? I am not asking for anything. It is not controversial, political or religious.

The point is that something of value, where there is greater than a 60% chance they need, they don't want! Why? I am sure they are many people who can give me their theories but will we truly know? Probably not. Does it matter? No.

The final point here is that I am available to help whoever wants my help. If you are even slightly over weight and say you are fine with that then so be it. You are not only lying to me but to yourself. No one is happy being over weight. There may be pyschological issues to deal with but you are not happy. Or you may have just settled on this state because it is easy.

If you ever get a chance to meet me you will see that I mean what I say. I truely want to help as many people as I can. Maybe it will be you or someone you know. I don't want people to waste a lot of money and not see any results. My system works for those that choose to participate. Keep following and you will soon see my new web site and program for those that wnat to change.

Have a safe Thanksgiving and don't eat too much!

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