Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gain 10 Pounds Over the Holidays

Well, another major "eating" holiday down and three more weeks of parties, treats, and another "eating" holiday. You see it many times about diet tips and to eat this and try that. The problem is that trying these tips is just like trying a new diet. It is hard to do!

If you don't already live a healthy lifestyle, my tip to you would be to spend the next three weeks looking into how you can start one. This is contrary to what most trainers and diet gurus will tell you. That is becasue they want your business and they want it NOW!

On Thanksgiving Day most Americans consume 3,000 calories on average for one meal. That is more than most people should consume in a single day! There are ways to cut back but it is about learning how over time. Not overnight.

Another statistic shows that the average weight gain over the holiday season (Christmas season) is 10 pounds. That is a lot for that short of period. However, if you try the recommended tips and tricks from the gurus before you are ready or before you know why, you will probably give up quickly and end up gaining more than 10 pounds.

My recommendation is to enjoy the holidays. I want you to suceed in making a positive change to your life. Make a New Years resolution to live a healthier lifestyle. Then sign up for my monthly newsletter and I will coach you from month-to-month on the best way to accomplish this so that you do reach your goals.

My program is not a lose weight fast gimmick. Losing weight too fast is not good for the body and in order to achieve rapid weight lose requires great sacrifice. Then when it is over you still have not learned how to live healthier on a daily basis so you will gain all of the weight back plus several more pounds.

Keep checking back to this blog each week. I will have my web site up with all the details in about 2 to 4 weeks. I am going to be offering charter memberships and special bonuses. Until then, enjoy your family and friends.

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