Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weight Watchers is Finally Getting It!

I always let everyone know that I don't believe in diets. So why would I be writing about Weight Watchers?

The answer is simple. They finally woke up and realized I am right! It has been on the news here more than once that Weight Watchers is changing their program. Not a little change, but a major overhaul. They are changing the program to advocate a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach Diet and countless others all claim that you will lose a lot of weight over a short period of time. If you stick with the program and follow exactly what they say to do, you will. I have never disputed that people lose weight.

The problem with diets is that they are too restrictive. Plus, when someone says "I am going on a diet", it indicates that some day they will be off the diet. And they will. They will also gain back all the weight they lost plus a few extra pounds.

This is because it is designed for short term results. A better approach is what I have advocated. Learn to live healthier. In other words, develope a healthy lifestyle. This is done gradually over time. You need to unlearn bad habits and replace them with good ones. Unless you know what to look for, you need to have a lifestyle coach.

I am not sure exactly how Weight Watchers intends to run their program. They are not releasing the details until the new year. But what I can pretty much guess is that it is going to cost a few bucks! They have a lot of overhead to cover. They are releasing this because they want to increase revenues.

Your alternative. Go with my program. I have been coaching healthy lifestyles for a long time now. It is not an experiment. It is also not a way to "get rich". Anyone who knows me understands that I have a passion for helping people. That is why I am going to be unveiling my newsletter within the next couple of weeks. It will teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle simply. It does not have to be hard.

Keep following this blog. Shortly I will reveal a charter member price and some free bonuses for subscribing to my newsletter. The web site is almost complete and when it is done, my blog followers will have the first opportunity to get in to this program that will change your life forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stumbled upon your blog and just had a few comments.

First of all, I totally agree and applaud you for advocating a "healthy lifestyle" instead of a diet. I could not agree more. We are where we are because of a combination of factors. Changing one thing (food) will not work. Plus, it IS way too restrictive. Kudos and spreading the word.

I must disagree with your take on Weight Watchers. They have NEVER promoted that you will lose in a "short period of time." Rather, as WW leaders, we are told to watch out for people who are losing too quickly. The intent is to be healthy, not skinny. Which ties into the second comment, they do advocate a healthy lifestyle, not a diet.

The approach is a four way approach:
Eat Less, Move more, change your habits, get support. If you're doing those, whether by individual coach or in a meeting, you're changing your lifestyle; you're not on a diet.

All said and done, the new Momentum program is already out. It came out this week. I've been blogging about it and there are posts all over the web.

Keep helping people. Feel free to get in touch.