Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obesity Tax

I am sure you have been following along as our new President tries to fix our ailing economy. But have you been paying attention to what some of the States want to do?

They are hurting jst as much as everyone else. There are a lot of states, if not all, that are having to cut budgets and are coming across shortfalls. The chances are that any tax breaks we get from the federal government are going to be offset by higher taxes by the states.

The one that really caught my attention is the one they call the 'obesity tax'. It is called that because there are some states that want to tax those items that are contributing to obesity. The State of Florida is looking at taxing all non-diet soft drinks.

I don't know about you but I don't need anymore taxes, especially on food. Luckily, I don't drink soft drinks. Most people shouldn't.

My tip to you this week will not only help your waist line but also your pocket book. Drink more water. Yes. It is that simple. Our bodies were made to drink a lot of water, not all of these sugary drinks. That is especially true during the hotter months. The sugar drinks will not rehydrate your body the way it needs to be.

Definetly stay away from sports drinks. They are made for athletes or people who work out intensly for more than an hour at one time. My son and I drink it when we train for soccer but that is because we will spend from 2 to 5 hours training in 75 to 85 degree weather. It is a myth that anyone who sweats should drink it.

I have many tips you can learn throughout the year through my newsletter. I only scratch the surface in this blog. Go to and subscribe today.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eat Candy to Lose Weight

How would you like to eat candy and lose weight? There is an active ingredient in licorice that has shown to help reduce body fat mass.

There are two ways this works. The first is complicated and involves blocking an enzyme that plays a role in fat accumulation. The second is simpler. Licorice can reduce your appetite.

Don't head for the Twizzlers though. You need the real thing, preferably with licorice extract high on its ingredient list. You need to look for this in grocery stores, not convenience stores. A handful is about 150 calories and will keep you busy chewing something sweet, flavorful, and satisfying for twice the time it takes to down a bag of M & M's.

If you haven't subscribed to my newsletter than do so now. The next issue to be released soon will have some quick tips for eating out without breaking your calorie budget. Subscribe at today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weight Matters

As I wrote in my last post, we are getting fatter as a nation. I just read that the military is starting to have trouble meeting their recruitment numbers because they have to turn away more people because they are too heavy. They are turning down potential recruits for being overweight far more than for any other reason. They say the same is happening to fire fighters.

My wife, son and I are in the process of adopting. Part of the process is a medical examination of my wife and I. Weight, or more specifically, BMI is taken into account on determining if you can adopt. BMI is body mass index and calculates your height and weight to come up with this number. A BMI under 25 is considered a healthy weight. A BMI between 25 and 30 and you are overweight. Over 30 is obese.

When we applied for the adoption you could have a BMI of over 30 and still adopt. New rules went into effect in May of 2007 that stated the BMI could not be over 30. Hundreds of people were denied the opportunity to adopt because of this. Is it fair? That is a different debate for a different blog. Is there help? Yes, and I can provide it.

If you want to join the military, become a fire fighter or police officer, or just want to adopt but can't because of your weight, my program can help. Log on to and subscribe to my newsletter. You will be able to lose weight.

And to help you start losing now, I will give you two free reports that will give you some easy changes to lose weight the first week and keep it off. A $50 value for free. Let me be your personal coach and together we will make your dreams come true.

Monday, January 12, 2009

America is Getting Fatter

Congratulations America! The number of obese American adults now outnumber those who are merely overweight! 34% of Americans are obese while 32.7% are overweight. Just under 6% are morbidly obese. There are over 72 million people who are obese!

Let's compare that to previous years. There were 33% overweight which means that there are still the same number of overweight people. There were only 22.9% obese compared to 34%. That means more people went from overweight to obese. The morbidly obese was a mere 2.9% and is now a whopping 6%! That means the number of people with weight problems continues to grow.

You have heard this before and I am going to say it again. Being overweight or obese raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, arthritis and other conditions.

It is already bad enough that most Americans fit in this category, but in May, the CDC reported that 32% of US children fit the definition of being overweight, 16 percent were obese and 11% were extremely obese. I am not making these numbers up, you can check for yourself. Americans are raising FAT KIDS!!!!! STOPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

This issue gets me so mad because it can be prevented. I hear excuse after excuse as to why someone is fat (I am no longer going to be PC on this. A dog is a dog and fat is fat). I'm too busy, its too hard, its too expensive and on and on and on. Why don't people just act like adults and admit that the real reason is that they are just too LAZY! It requires a little effort.

I have a program that eliminates all of the excuses. The exercises are not too hard and can be done at your own intensity level. It is not too expensive because it requires no gym membership or expensive equipment. It requires very little time, about 10 to 20 minutes a day. You are given all the tools to create a better lifestyle. The only cost is $9.95 per month. Check out what you get at my web site at

Just think, people maintaining a proper weight are in the minority. I feel and look good. You can too. Go to my site and sign up now. I want to help.

As an added incentive, if you leave a comment on this blog on how you are going to change your life for the better, then sign up for my newsletter, I will give you a chance to get 6 months of the newsletter cost back. After you have worked with my program and you have achieved success, write to me and tell me how your life has changed for the better. Include before and after photos. If I use you as a testimonial on my web site I will refund 6 months of the newsletter back to you. That is it. There is no limit on the number of people who I may pick. If I feel it is a really good story to share with others than I will use it.

When you sign up for my newsletter you will get an email to contact me with questions. You get a personal trainer at a fraction of the cost. go now to my site at now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

11 Tips to Losing Weight

Did you realize that the average woman gains 1 1/2 pounds a year during her adult life? That means women can gain over 40 pounds by the time she hits 50 years old! Women have to combat the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss and stress that causes a slow down in her metobolism. This wieght gain is NOT inevitable. A proper exercise and diet plan can confront these issues.

My metabolism-boosting plan can help you lose weight while building firm, lean muscle tissue, which is the key to a robust metabolism. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter at and receive coaching on how to live a better lifestyle. As soon as you start my program you will sleep better, have more energy, feel firmer, and notice your clothes fitting looser.

Here are 11 tips to get you started:

Eat Enough - Everyone knows you have to cut calories to lose weight. But did you know that if you cut too much you will actually gain more fat? Learn what and when to eat with my program.

Eat Breakfast - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Learn why and what you should eat.

Drink Coffee or Tea - Learn why these drinks can help boost your metabolism to lose weight. But there is still a little more to it. See what that is in my program.

Fight Fat with Fiber - Do you know what foods have fiber? Do you know how much to eat of them? Do you know why fiber can fight fat?

Drink Water - There are many reasons to drink water. Did you realize it can help you lose as much as 5 pounds a year?

Go Organic - It's not just a fad. Scientific research has proven the benefits of eating organic.

Include Protein - Body builders eat a lot of protein to gain muscle mass. But did you know that there are significant benefits of eating protein to lose weight?

Eat Iron-rich Foods - Do you know why iron is important to the body? Learn what are excellent sources for getting this important nutrient.

Get More D - Only 4% of Americans over 50 take in enough vitamin D through their diet. What does this mean and how can you make sure you get enough?

Skip the Second Cocktail - You don't have to quit drinking altogether, just cut back. Learn how alcohol affects weight loss.

Drink Milk - Not just because the dairy association says so. But what about the fat?

These are the type of things you learn through my newsletter each month. You are not overloaded with too much information. Just enough information is given so that you can understand your choices and how they affect you. Taking in a little each month will make it easier for you to learn the proper way to eat.

There are also exercises that anyone can do anywhere with no special equipment. The cost of the newsletter for one month is less than what you probably spend on coffee each week. Get in now at my charter rate of only $9.95 per month. You will be locked in at that rate, even after I raise the price.

Don't wait, subscribe now at Receive two free reports worth $50 when you subscribe.