Monday, January 12, 2009

America is Getting Fatter

Congratulations America! The number of obese American adults now outnumber those who are merely overweight! 34% of Americans are obese while 32.7% are overweight. Just under 6% are morbidly obese. There are over 72 million people who are obese!

Let's compare that to previous years. There were 33% overweight which means that there are still the same number of overweight people. There were only 22.9% obese compared to 34%. That means more people went from overweight to obese. The morbidly obese was a mere 2.9% and is now a whopping 6%! That means the number of people with weight problems continues to grow.

You have heard this before and I am going to say it again. Being overweight or obese raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, arthritis and other conditions.

It is already bad enough that most Americans fit in this category, but in May, the CDC reported that 32% of US children fit the definition of being overweight, 16 percent were obese and 11% were extremely obese. I am not making these numbers up, you can check for yourself. Americans are raising FAT KIDS!!!!! STOPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

This issue gets me so mad because it can be prevented. I hear excuse after excuse as to why someone is fat (I am no longer going to be PC on this. A dog is a dog and fat is fat). I'm too busy, its too hard, its too expensive and on and on and on. Why don't people just act like adults and admit that the real reason is that they are just too LAZY! It requires a little effort.

I have a program that eliminates all of the excuses. The exercises are not too hard and can be done at your own intensity level. It is not too expensive because it requires no gym membership or expensive equipment. It requires very little time, about 10 to 20 minutes a day. You are given all the tools to create a better lifestyle. The only cost is $9.95 per month. Check out what you get at my web site at

Just think, people maintaining a proper weight are in the minority. I feel and look good. You can too. Go to my site and sign up now. I want to help.

As an added incentive, if you leave a comment on this blog on how you are going to change your life for the better, then sign up for my newsletter, I will give you a chance to get 6 months of the newsletter cost back. After you have worked with my program and you have achieved success, write to me and tell me how your life has changed for the better. Include before and after photos. If I use you as a testimonial on my web site I will refund 6 months of the newsletter back to you. That is it. There is no limit on the number of people who I may pick. If I feel it is a really good story to share with others than I will use it.

When you sign up for my newsletter you will get an email to contact me with questions. You get a personal trainer at a fraction of the cost. go now to my site at now.

1 comment:

Mia -n- Ken said...

Mann, those statistics are really damning.. I really need to loose some weight. I'm still tugging around this lovely babyfat. I need to be more dilligent.. Great Blog!