Thursday, January 8, 2009

11 Tips to Losing Weight

Did you realize that the average woman gains 1 1/2 pounds a year during her adult life? That means women can gain over 40 pounds by the time she hits 50 years old! Women have to combat the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss and stress that causes a slow down in her metobolism. This wieght gain is NOT inevitable. A proper exercise and diet plan can confront these issues.

My metabolism-boosting plan can help you lose weight while building firm, lean muscle tissue, which is the key to a robust metabolism. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter at and receive coaching on how to live a better lifestyle. As soon as you start my program you will sleep better, have more energy, feel firmer, and notice your clothes fitting looser.

Here are 11 tips to get you started:

Eat Enough - Everyone knows you have to cut calories to lose weight. But did you know that if you cut too much you will actually gain more fat? Learn what and when to eat with my program.

Eat Breakfast - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Learn why and what you should eat.

Drink Coffee or Tea - Learn why these drinks can help boost your metabolism to lose weight. But there is still a little more to it. See what that is in my program.

Fight Fat with Fiber - Do you know what foods have fiber? Do you know how much to eat of them? Do you know why fiber can fight fat?

Drink Water - There are many reasons to drink water. Did you realize it can help you lose as much as 5 pounds a year?

Go Organic - It's not just a fad. Scientific research has proven the benefits of eating organic.

Include Protein - Body builders eat a lot of protein to gain muscle mass. But did you know that there are significant benefits of eating protein to lose weight?

Eat Iron-rich Foods - Do you know why iron is important to the body? Learn what are excellent sources for getting this important nutrient.

Get More D - Only 4% of Americans over 50 take in enough vitamin D through their diet. What does this mean and how can you make sure you get enough?

Skip the Second Cocktail - You don't have to quit drinking altogether, just cut back. Learn how alcohol affects weight loss.

Drink Milk - Not just because the dairy association says so. But what about the fat?

These are the type of things you learn through my newsletter each month. You are not overloaded with too much information. Just enough information is given so that you can understand your choices and how they affect you. Taking in a little each month will make it easier for you to learn the proper way to eat.

There are also exercises that anyone can do anywhere with no special equipment. The cost of the newsletter for one month is less than what you probably spend on coffee each week. Get in now at my charter rate of only $9.95 per month. You will be locked in at that rate, even after I raise the price.

Don't wait, subscribe now at Receive two free reports worth $50 when you subscribe.

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