Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weight Matters

As I wrote in my last post, we are getting fatter as a nation. I just read that the military is starting to have trouble meeting their recruitment numbers because they have to turn away more people because they are too heavy. They are turning down potential recruits for being overweight far more than for any other reason. They say the same is happening to fire fighters.

My wife, son and I are in the process of adopting. Part of the process is a medical examination of my wife and I. Weight, or more specifically, BMI is taken into account on determining if you can adopt. BMI is body mass index and calculates your height and weight to come up with this number. A BMI under 25 is considered a healthy weight. A BMI between 25 and 30 and you are overweight. Over 30 is obese.

When we applied for the adoption you could have a BMI of over 30 and still adopt. New rules went into effect in May of 2007 that stated the BMI could not be over 30. Hundreds of people were denied the opportunity to adopt because of this. Is it fair? That is a different debate for a different blog. Is there help? Yes, and I can provide it.

If you want to join the military, become a fire fighter or police officer, or just want to adopt but can't because of your weight, my program can help. Log on to and subscribe to my newsletter. You will be able to lose weight.

And to help you start losing now, I will give you two free reports that will give you some easy changes to lose weight the first week and keep it off. A $50 value for free. Let me be your personal coach and together we will make your dreams come true.

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